Are You "Giving Up" if You Decide to Stop Dieting?

So maybe you’re thinking of trying something different, because dieting hasn’t been working for you. Maybe you’re like 95% of the population, who has tried the whole dieting thing, but nothing stuck. That’s right, 95%! Because diets don’t work - they were never meant to work. But the pursuit of thinness has had a grip on you for so long, and the idea of “letting yourself go” feels daunting.

“Letting yourself go” might feel like you’re completely giving up control of your body, but the truth is, you never had it anyway. Like I said before, diets don’t work. Manipulating your body long-term doesn’t work (think: 5+ years). So when you let yourself “go,” what you’re actually doing is allowing your body to do what it has always been meant to do: keep you alive and safe. Your body has a natural set point where it wants to be, and it might not be exactly where society says it “should” be. That doesn’t mean your body is wrong, it means society is wrong.

When you think about giving up on dieting, I want you to think about some other things you might be also giving up:

  • Pressure to look a certain way

  • Feeling hungry and hangry 24/7

  • Anxiety over maintaining a certain size, shape, or number on the scale

  • Constantly thinking about what you’re going to eat or what you previously ate

  • Stressing over your “health”

  • “Failing” at yet another diet

  • Dramatic weight fluctuations

  • Ruined social events due to not allowing yourself to enjoy food

What do you not have to give up when giving up dieting? Let me tell you:

  • Movement

  • Nutrition

  • Pursuing health overall

  • The ability to feel confident and comfortable in your body

  • Romantic relationships

  • Anything you think you need dieting to accomplish (other than purposefully shrinking yourself)

Any of those surprise you? You might want to work with me to learn how you can continue to have those things in the absence of dieting.

I know it might feel like you're no longer in control, but I promise what's on the other side feels so much better. Trust me when I tell you your confidence cannot be and is truly not tied to your body size or shape. I promise it's still possible to "feel good" in your body once you stop intentionally manipulating it. Eating the foods you love and allowing food to be emotional and spontaneous will be one of the best things you ever do for yourself. You are not letting yourself go, you are letting yourself heal. Repeat that to yourself as many times as you need. If you need encouragement along the way, I’m here for ya!


How to Practice Self-Compassion on your Intuitive Eating Journey


Ditching Diets and Falling Into Something Worse: Orthorexia.