4 Problems Weight Loss Can’t Fix

This title is slightly misleading, because really, weight loss can’t fix most things. It’s simply not the answer. Let me tell you why, starting with four big examples!

what i hear: “i need to lose weight to be healthier.”

What I really hear: “I want to improve my health.” Guess what? Weight loss is not inherently a health behavior, and cannot alone improve your health. Oftentimes, weight loss is a sign of a health issue, or can impact your health negatively. This is regardless of any starting weight (read: Health at Every Size). You know what does improve your health? Actual health behaviors! Eating some fruits and veggies, moving your body joyfully, having supportive relationships, and also a lot of things outside our control like socioeconomic status and other forms of privilege.

what i hear: “i need to lose weight so i can be fit.”

What I really hear: “I want to improve my fitness levels!” Again, no weight loss needed! You can be fit at any size. How? Practice fitness! May weight loss occur? Sure. But is it weight loss that is really giving you the benefits of being fit? No, being fit is. TLDR: engage in strength training in a non-obsessive way and you’ll be able to improve your fitness regardless of weight.

what i hear: “i need to lose weight because i eat too much junk food.”

What I really hear: “I want to increase the nutrients I consume.” That’s a great goal! Adding in nutrients instead of cutting out foods you consider “junk” is a great way to increase the nutrients in your diet without sacrificing your relationship with food. Practicing intuitive eating and implementing “gentle nutrition” allows you to do just that.

what i hear: “i need to lose weight to feel better about myself.”

What I really hear: “I want to be loved and accepted.” The best place to start? Right where you are. In the body you’re in. I know it sounds hard, it is. But it’s one thousand times more sustainable and beautiful than trying to harm yourself into loving yourself. Confidence is something you cultivate from within, not by manipulating your body.

Still not convinced? Intentional weight loss doesn’t even work, ya’ll! Less than 5% of the population who attempts weight loss will actually keep it off for more than 2 years. More likely, the weight will come back if not more than you started with! This is your body’s protection mechanism, and repeated diet cycles (also called weight cycling) result in poorer health outcomes. Truly the healthiest thing you can do is to practice self-compassion, self-acceptance, and add in health behaviors that align with your lifestyle.

got questions? email me!!


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